torsdag den 2. juni 2011

Meanwhile :

The renowned French prophet Michel Nostradamus, who lived in the 16th century, is widely considered to have been fairly to very accurate, hundreds of times to date. Nostradamus had much to say about a future Muslim war against Europe, and he identified modern Libya as the flashpoint. Various temporal markers indicate that fulfillment is nigh :
"One whom the gods of infernal Hannibal
Will bear to be reborn, terror of humans
Never more of horror nor worse days
In the past than will come by Babel to Romans." ( C.2:30 )

Carthage, home of Hannibal, was founded in North Africa by the Phoenicians. This quatrain appears to suggest that Jihad will begin in Libya (Carthage).

"The Church of God will be persecuted
And the holy temples will be plundered,
The child will put his mother out in her shift,
Arabs will be allied with the Poles." ( C.3:73 )

The first three lines are auto-explanatory. Line 4 was fulfilled on September 9, 1982, when Khadafy visited Poland and signed a friendship treaty with that country.

"Libyan leader powerful in the West
Will come to inflame very much French with Arab.
Learned in letters he will be condescending
To translate the Arab language into French." ( C.3:27 )

Khadafy will inflame Europe's Moslem immigrant populace, which refuses to integrate with their host cultures. Mo' is "learned in letters" insofar as he is the author of a 3-volume "Green Book" about his 3rd Universal Theory, which advocates Jihad as Islam's sixth basic obligation.

"When those of the arctic pole are united together,
Great terror and fear in the East:
Newly elected, sustaining great trembling,
Rhodes and Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood." ( C.6:21 )

"Those of the arctic pole" are the Russians, et al. Lines 2 and 3 can be associated with the present situation in Japan. Rhodes and Eski Eregli refers to Turkey. The "Barbarian blood" is that of Moslems on the Barbary Coast --- Libya.

"He will enter ugly, wicked, infamous,
Tyrannizing over Mesopotamia:
All made friends by the adulterine lady,
Land horrible black of physiognomy." ( C.8:70 )

Lines 1 and 2 refer to the Bush/Obama regimes' war in Iraq (Mesopotamia), Afghanistan, &c. "The adulterine lady" is the harlot of "Mystery Babylon" in the biblical Revelation of St. John, acted out by American diplomater Hillary Clinton, arguably a known adulteress (e.g. Vince Foster, &c.). Line 4 is
an apt description of Barack Obama ( "black of physiognomy" ), the Obamanation of Desolation ( "Land horrible" ).
"Throughout all Asia great proscription,
Even in Mysia, Lysia, and Pamphilia.
Blood will be shed because of the absolution
Of a young black one filled with felony." ( C.3:60 )

Asia will be embroiled in war ( " great proscription " ) thanks to the occult

ritual ( "Illuminati" ? -- properly called "Alumandra" in Nostradamus' century -- attack on Minerva's birthday ) "absolution" of "a young black one filled with felony" ranging from alleged drug-muling for the CIA in Afghanistan to high treason ( his unilateral attack on Libya, and others ).
&c, &c., &c...