søndag den 29. maj 2011

The complete Ark –Pillar superimposed on the human body, or the human bodhi, or enlightenment, tree.

When overlaid on the chakra system we can see that the Ark of the Covenant, the golden container that housed the Tablets or (S)tones of God corresponds with the solar plexus region of the body. In light of the way it corresponds to our mystic body system, I find it most fascinating that Osiris’ pillar device was said to be lined with gold, hence its appellation “the golden flower.”

When this golden flower (the human body) ‘blossoms’ remarkable things happen. It emits a tone, key or oscillation of life . This tone is taken up to the brain by the nerves or branches of the Pneumo gastric nerve, and becomes the “fruit of the Tree of Life” in the pineal gland. Pineal was the name of the place where Jacob saw God face to face.

Pneuma is the feminine name for the soul and gastric, from the Greek gastros, refers to the stomach. Another name for the pneumogastric nerve is the Vagus, or “light,” nerve. It is the rod of light, which is the channel for the Chrestos carrying it up the spinal cord.

This chakra is directly related to an individual’s emotional life. This is interesting in that the solar plexus corresponds to the sympathetic system, which controls the conversion of inorganic and organic matter into psychic energies. The adage, “we are what we eat” applies here. Activation of this chakra can enable out-of-body experiences and healing abilities.

It is fascinating that the Twelve Tribes of Israel are referred to as the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac (“circle”). When applied in physiology they refer to the solar plexus, and the twelve forces centered there as featured in the alchemical illustration below.

One of the most revered of Jesus’ sayings is “I am the light of the World.” The word “world" comes from “whirl,” to turn as a wheel. In this illustration the solar plexus is depicted as a whirling vortex.

The solar plexus as the whirling vortex.

The ornamental border of the alchemical drawing on the previous page contains groups of names of animal, mineral, and vegetable substances in an egg-shaped bubble.

Their relationship to corresponding parts of the human body is shown by the dotted lines. This figure could be Atlas since he is shown holding the world all around him. It shows the spiritual energy of the world entering the spiraling solar plexus.

This is a missing piece to the Ark of the Covenant. More, importantly, it is a missing piece to ourselves. Our quest in the Ark Cabal is to uncover the mysteries of this missing piece and allow our spiritual bodies to flower